
Postgres vs mysql uber
Postgres vs mysql uber

postgres vs mysql uber

Knowing that, we can conclude that both PostgreSQL & MariaDB are faster than MySQL in this particular scenario, with PostgreSQL coming on top of the raw performance game. This particular benchmark tries to reproduce the workload of any industry that must manage, sell or distribute a product or service. Like any benchmark the results depend on the specific scenario the tests are run in. As such NOPM (New Orders Per Minute) is a performance metric independent of any particular database implementation and is the recommended primary metric to use." The NOPM value is based on a metric captured from within the test schema itself. "TPM values cannot be compared between different database types. The meaning of these two values (TMP & NOPM) is described like this: We ran the tests for 5 minutes for each database. The database is comprised of nine types of tables with a wide range of record and population sizes." "TPC-C involves a mix of five concurrent transactions of different types and complexity.

postgres vs mysql uber

This tool implements a standardized performance test called TPC-C. Performanceīy running some benchmarks you can get a rough idea of how these databases compare to each other in terms of performance.įor this article, we going to use the HammerDB benchmarking tool. Let's look at this from different angles. But that's not enough to make a decision. PostgreSQL & MariaDB have been gaining ground recently, while MySQL is slowly declining. Here's a graph representing the popularity of these 3 databases: The less popular MariaDB is a MySQL fork that happened after the acquisition of Sun Microsystems by Oracle on January 27, 2010. PostgreSQL & MySQL are the two most popular open-source databases today.

Postgres vs mysql uber