
Battlefield 2042 metacritic
Battlefield 2042 metacritic


This just seems like a generic free to play game that wants to sell skins. It's been clear Dice hasn't cared about its core fans for a while now but even BFV had a few things it did right.


However, these are the few things I cannot forgive: No persistent servers/match making - what the actual **** dice No scoreboard - easiest way to catch cheaters and of course to flex No way to switch squads - because being stuck on a squad full of snipers sitting on a hill is where it's at *sarcasm No classes - everyone is going to run "meta" specialists and team play has and will be non existent Not even a place to check your stats ffs.


I can put up with the bugs, lack of optimization on pc, cartoonish graphics, horrible ui, lack of guns and customization, the worst hit registration i have ever seen in a modern shooter, boring map design with mostly empty space, call of duty vanguard levels of destruction and just a general lack of attention to detail Battlefield is known for. As a battlefield addict since i was a kid playing 1942, I have to say this is the first battlefield game I might be skipping (beside hardline, we don't talk about that).


I can put up with the bugs, lack of optimization on pc, cartoonish graphics, horrible ui, This is not battlefield, this is some weird amalgamation of call of duty and whatever sliding simulator is popular at the moment. This is not battlefield, this is some weird amalgamation of call of duty and whatever sliding simulator is popular at the moment. I bought the game thinking it would be as good as other Battlefield's but it's so laggy and has so many bugs that after ending the first game I decided to not make my eyes suffer and I will wait till they can fix even if it's just a little the fps and the lags, I can play on high on other Battlefield's but with this one I tried all minimun and medium and I have the exact same fps (35 max) I bought the game thinking it would be as good as other Battlefield's but it's so laggy and has so many bugs that after ending the first game I decided to not make my eyes suffer and I will wait till they can fix even if it's just a little the fps and the lags, I can play on high on other Battlefield's but with this one I tried all minimun and medium and I have the exact same fps (35 max) and I see people sliding intead of running and as if they can move from side to side, I think they should have waited a little more to release the game or work on the game because they already have time, they better go and fix everything or mostly if they don't want to be like Cyberpunk, a dead game … Expand

battlefield 2042 metacritic battlefield 2042 metacritic

No dedicated servers -Portal servers are all trash, need a true sorting system. Maps are way too big, you dont feel the 128 players at all. 15min to load a game in hazard zone, the gamemode is already dead on day 2 WTF ? -Graphics WORSE than BFV and even BF1, particles are better but textures are soft with no details. No Can't get higher than 120 fps with RTX 30X with LOW SETTINGS, LOW SETTINGS even at 720p. Graphics WORSE than BFV and even BF1, particles are better but textures are soft with no details. 15min to load a game in hazard zone, the gamemode is already dead on day 2 WTF ? Can't get higher than 120 fps with RTX 30X with LOW SETTINGS, LOW SETTINGS even at 720p.

Battlefield 2042 metacritic